Why worry?
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)
Worry is probably the silliest thing we do and the thing we continue to do despite knowing it is pointless.
"I'm afraid I won't do well"
"I've studied for my test tomorrow but I still don't feel comfortable"
"Oh dear, I haven't done this homework"
"I wonder if my son is ok"
"What is going to happen to my money?"
"What happens if it rains?"
"Why is he not home yet?"
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? " - Matt 6:25
It is interesting to see that Jesus would actually consider 'worry' something important enough to be mentioned. (Come to think of it, he keeps talking about it for nearly 10 verses). We live in a stressful society. School demands more time today than what it was during my time. Surprisingly, though we are getting richer & more prosperous by the years, we are not getting any better in terms of our quality of life. You see, we have great entertainment, leisure, cable tv, food & now integrated resorts, but we don't seem to be doing much to help our inner lives. Or have we been misled to think that by finding relief for our bodies that relief will be transmitted to our inner being? I think it hardly helps...
Where does worry come from?
God did not make us to worry. In fact, I can tell you that worry is birthed out of wild imaginations. You imagine wrong things, and that stirs up uncertainty thus leading to anxiety. Our mind has fallen thus far and it always tends to run wild - to a very unhealthy extent. Some people worry more, some worry less, but we recognise that other than staying in our minds it hardly accomplishes anything. You basically just waste time thinking about it. So let's get out of it.
Worry, like any other persistent thought that is sown in the mind, grows bigger whenever you water it. Oh i forgot to mention who planted it. Well, we planted it with the help of the devil. The devil likes to offer bad seeds (or thoughts) to us subtlely and we're often unaware of it. But its ok if that seed falls into ur brain, just don't water it and very soon it will die. Fyi there're also many good seeds inside your brain that needs to be watered and fertilised. Take control of your imaginations and subject it to the Word of God, and very soon you'll be happily fighting your way out of worry.
The absence of worry brings peace and contentment.
Think about it.
People who learn not to worry often can manage their emotions, be happy and contented. Well, there're of course, those who don't worry because they don't really care. Not true, they merely found another substitute to worry, known as 'bochup'. 'Bochup' is really not a good thing, cuz it can lead to 'bochup'-ness to the things of God (and also important things in life), which is contrary to what Jesus mentioned towards the end:
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
Amen. Jesus did not tell us to bochup, but to seek God. Therefore, 'bochup' is a worldly thing. You should not worry. But at the same time, it is also not right to completely ignore everything. So let's put things in the right perspective. We are to seek 1st the kingdom of God and his righteousness. God says channel your energies into the eternal. Try replacing some of ur time in study & cca & other mundane stuff (dota, wow, maple) with seeking God and doing his work. Give God your time and He will give you more time. Come, God says you can test Him in this. God says invest in his kingdom and you will get many returns. If you try and it doesn't work, you can always look for me.
Just stop worrying ok? Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Yours in Christ,
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