Sunday, August 05, 2007

100k - The Final Push

i cannot believe SP would actually tell us to finish the 100k by this week! And to achieve that, we hav to each finish 5 blessing tonight. WOah, sounds crazy... and somebody suggested to me: use phone or msn. Ya i guess i hav no choice. The 1st person I called, I really struggled to say each of the blessings bcuz the bkground is noisy n sometimes my voice is not clear. Then msn 3 pple but one refuse to give me contact, so considered invalid. Called an nie friend and chatted for almost half an hr and after tat was like half-dead.

But i mus give all glory to God. Apart from my nie fren, I managed to bless 2 ex-Crush students and one of my NT student. Those tat i msn i scan the completed brochure and send to them. They were thankful, and I felt really happy. It was a crazy push, but i knew there is always something God wants to bless me with in this kind of situation. Indeed, the favor was great. And I know how encouraging it is when you managed to bless 5 pple tonite. I only did 4 and oledi felt so blessed. Do not be discouraged if you have not reached ur target, we hav until 8 Aug and after tat we'll have a good break and a good celebration together. God bless u with strength!!!!


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